Public address

Public Address (music performance).

First performance 8 Okt. 92 at the College of fine arts in Umeå, Sweden.

Together with Urban Engström and Roland Persson, Ninna Lundqvist, Ann-Charlotte Emanuelsson, Tina Eriksson, Karin Persson, Anna Erlandsson, Carina Gunnars, Morris Larsson, Ragna Berlin, Ronny Hansson, Magdalena Olsson, Stefan Johansson, Kent Andersson, Jonas Kjellgren and Christina Turén.

"To withdraw on our own for 14 days and together try to prepare the ground for a common endeavour. We saw ourselves as initiators, pioneers. In this spirit we looked only to ourselves for upkeep and provisions. We were also part-owners on equal terms. We view the aprons as an important part of our accoutrement and our intentions include the instigation of strength and courage."

"The first act places us at one end of the hall, the sparse scenography enhancing the depth of perspective. A heavy pulse, almost organic, is heard from the loudspeakers - as though we were inside a giant animal's body. Over a period of practically a whole hour figures gradually emerge from the shadows and with sounds, lights and movements create a Metropolis opera. (...) Just as the performance seems to be drawing to a close, we are invited into the bar, which turns out to be the second act. (...). Here we encounter a most delicate foundry for the manufacture of plaster rabbits, a sweet little toy organ which by means of feedback is capable of producing sounds of extreme brutality, here you can be tucked into a lovely bed with white sheets by an equally lovely and serene nurse. The lullaby is a tape which mixes writings of Luther with parts of the RAF manifesto."

Bertil Björk UK 9 Okt. 92